Friday, March 23, 2007
I bought this postcard in the early or maybe mid 90s at the White Dog Cafe in University City, Philly. Well, actually it was the *sister* (read: lesbian) shop next door called the Black Cat. I've managed to hang onto it through 7 different moves.My favorite part is that nobody believes she's going to win, not even God.
[photo by Susan Copen Oken] - POP by J
this image was made as part of a photo essay for time life magazines on the sub cultures in america. i am the photographer. i lived with these families for months. i believe i was the first to uncover the insanity of this purely american phenomenon.
this image was made as part of a photo essay for time life magazines on the sub cultures in america. i am the photographer. i lived with these families for months. i believe i was the first to uncover the insanity of this purely american phenomenon.
Poor little girl, she's no Little Miss Sunshine. I wonder why the lezzies were attracted to this here postcard, enough that they stocked it in their shop. Perhaps they liked the young things supporters. All business in the front. Party in the back! - e.