Stranger Than Fiction

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First, read this strange story about a crazy man in Toronto (pictured at left) who stole not 1 or 2, or even 10 bicycles. He stole 2,865 bicycles. Yes, 2,865, even children's bikes!

In a Cyclist-Friendly City, a Black Hole for Bikes

Best part?

"As the police gathered the mounds of bikes, they also found cocaine, crack cocaine, about 15 pounds of marijuana and a stolen bronze sculpture of a centaur and a snake in battle."

So um, what's up with the sculpture?

Posted by The Pop Box at 8:20 PM 1 comments  


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sighting: Call Henry, originally uploaded by The Pop Box.

Henry is a man of many talents. He will not only help you if you are confused, but he will also sell you a car AND fix your credit... Found posted in the Germantown section of Philadelphia.

A MESSAGE VIA Google Talk (condensed)

1-side of a very funny Google Talk chat. Here's what my friend had to say about their day...

"I had diversity training today...
it's like how not to be racist at work
you're supposed to stop other people
if they start to say something racist you go
that's what they taught us
we reviewed some Maya Angelou quotes
and then they said the names of different groups
like "Muslim" "gay white man" "senior citizen"
and we had to write down whatever words popped into our heads
so my paper was like "terrorist" "San Francisco" "slow"
and then that was the end of the training"

Posted by The Pop Box at 4:54 PM 0 comments  


Monday, March 31, 2008

A real store on a real street in real Bellingham, Washington. It's actually called "Deals Only: We Only Have Deals." I think everything might be discounted or something... Unfortunately, I did not get to go inside but I did make my cousin drive me back to the store so I could get a good shot. She says they do in fact have good deals.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

angst2.5, originally uploaded by The Pop Box.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Subject: ....
From: J
To: E
Fri, 18 Jan 2008 9:11 am

I had a dream last night that you had a pet monkey and a wildcat. The wildcat just seemed like a big regular cat until you felt its pointy ears and VERY long arms and paws. It had huge teeth but it was super friendly. These animals lived in your bedroom.
- J

Commentary by E: The funniest thing about this message is that I now have a cat named Jenga. And he's very wild and has long arms and paws but is super friendly. See...
Jenga reaches for the Roaming Gnome.

Jenga playfully slaughters toy mouse on string.

Posted by The Pop Box at 2:37 AM 1 comments  

Philadelphia Parking Authority: Operation Swoop

Friday, March 14, 2008

One of my new favorite and shameful obsessions is A&E's new reality series, Parking Wars. The show follows meter maids, booters and impound lot officers all over the city. Now who would have thought that an entire TV show about the day-to-day lives of Philadelphia Parking Authority workers could be so entertaining? For starters, it's all based in Philly which means you're going to get the cream of the crop from downtown bitches, rude tourists, ghettolandians, college kids and more...

My favorite character goes by the name of Swoop AKA Tiffany. She's a ticketing officer who says she has to say the "Serenity Prayer" to get through a stressful work day. Her goal, every day all day, is to write the most tickets possible. Rundown of Operation Swoop: Swoop hides out in park behind bush across the street from bank with handicap meter right out front. Patrons continually pull into the handi spot to run into the bank (shame shame shame). As soon as the drivers are out of site, Swoop runs across the street and writes a ticket like lightening. Angry driver comes out pleading and cursing: "I was only in there for 5 seconds!" LIAR!Swoop has already written the ticket and she's all smiles. Suckers.

To me, Swoop is a local celebrity. My sister was in Center City the other day. She writes,

"u will never believe who i saw! SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!! she came by my meter as i was feeding it with the smart card and i went "SWWWWWOOOOOOP" and swoop went "heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..."
And that was it. I heart Swoop. - POP by E

GRAPPLE! Looks like an apple. Tastes like a grape.

Friday, February 15, 2008

This is a grapple, actually it's four of them. They are the offspring of an apple mated with a grape. Isn't it amazingly horrific? They smell SO GOOD. Sweet grapes, nature's bounty.

But no, they have the crunch of an apple, and I just don't like apples!

- POP by Appas, Guest Blogger

Posted by The Pop Box at 12:18 PM 1 comments  

Stuff White People Like

Thursday, February 14, 2008

There's a new blog in town and we really like it. Thanks to J. for alerting us of the power that is Stuff White People Like - a blog devoted to stuff that white people like. One of my favorite posts is #67 Japan. Read on for a taste of why white people really like Japan. You know it's true...

"White people love Japan for a number of reasons. Sushi is pretty much the biggest one, since white people have spent so much time Sushi restaurants, enjoying the food, learning about how to eat it, and how to be snobby about it. This natural curiousity fills them with a need to pay a visit to Tsukiji and taste the freshest Sushi possible...

But it goes beyond just food, all white people either have/will/or wished they had taught English in Japan. It is a dream for them to go over seas and actually live in Japan. This helps them not only because it fills their need to travel, it will enable them to gain important leverage over other white people at Sushi restaurants where they can say “this place is pretty good, but living in Japan really spoiled me. I’ve had such a hard time finding a really authentic place.”

Posted by The Pop Box at 8:06 AM 0 comments  

Sassy Santa

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just before the holidays we hosted a Secret Santa gift exchange for our friends.

On our fridge there is a grocery list that I use quite often. It has an old photograph of a cat and a little girl sharing a milkshake - very cute. This week, I tore off a page to discover that one of our guests had been scribbling away during the party, leaving little insights behind:

grocery list

page 18

Don't forget!
Used condoms also make great sandwich bags!
P.S. For Work!

page 19
=) (smiley face)
Recycle your lube!

page 20
#12 - the way you fashion your cataract sunglasses as a bong!

page 21
Don't forget!:
#45 - keep a few sugar free diabetic candies in your pocket for a quick snack! They're delicious!

page 22
I <3>(heart) Irene

1) Fiber. Always fiber. Balanced & healthy diet. The plumbing will ensure a lifetime of happiness!

A friendly reminder from your friends from Metamucil

(three blank pages)

page 26

(nine blank pages)

page 36
It's Earth Day!
Do your part to recycle
Also don't forget to recycle your manure

Sponsored by your poop

Posted by The Pop Box at 9:09 PM 0 comments