Mistakes Happen

Friday, November 16, 2007

CORRECTION: "A headline in Monday's Daily News, 'He regrets his role in postal vid,' implied that Richard Marino, the subject of a YouTube video, was sorry for an incident in December at a Brooklyn post office. Marino, in fact, is not sorry. The News regrets the error." -- Daily News, New York.
So you know how pretty much every day, there is a list of corrections printed in the newspaper? Sometimes they are rather amusing. Liz forwarded me this article about a guy who keeps a website called Regrettheerror.com which lists corrections from all over. The above is one of his favorites, as is this one, which I love. - POP by E by way of Liz
CORRECTION: "It has come to the editor's attention that the Herald-Leader neglected to cover the civil rights movement. We regret the omission." - The Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, apparently trying to make up for decades of forgotten coverage, printed this two-sentence note.

Morons This Is Not a Trash Can for the Lazy

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, which is not to say that I haven't been blogging per say. In fact, I've become quite the blog reader. See below a favorite from the Philadelphia City Paper blog, The Clog. I was certainly amused by the post. But seriously, I hate trash and litter. And anyone breaking the law should be reported! Still funny though. More to come soon. I've been stockpiling hilarity. POP by E

Not a trashcan. - Photo by Chad Willenborg

Reader (and runner up in last year’s fiction contest) Chad Willenborg sends us the above photo. The sign reads: "Morons, This is not a trash can for the lazy."

I wasn’t sure to whom I might send such a photo, but I thought you guys might find it interesting. My pic isn’t the best, but, man, there are lasagne-like layers of irony in this one. Around 20th and Jackson in South Philly…


Chad Willenborg

Thanks, Chad!

Posted by The Pop Box at 8:21 PM 0 comments